Look and Consider

 Look and Consider

"Look at the birds..." (Mt. 6:26)
"Consider the lilies..." (Mt 6:28) I was sitting outside this past week, trying to read, but was distracted by nearby birds and all the new growth springing up along the tiny meandering stream that runs behind us at present. To be honest, I often go outside to calm my heart and clear my head. This day was no different. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a mallard silently glide through the watery marsh. As if on cue, it stopped at a little opening in the branches, not 6 feet from where I was sitting. Soon, another mallard joined the first. The pair stayed for several minutes, enjoying the sun and washing themselves. There was so much beauty in this idyllic little scene. It struck me how at odds my heart felt in comparison. My heart felt so out-of-step with the simplicity and peace of the moment. As I watched them, I began to think of why Jesus might have told people to look at the birds, (or ducks, as the case may be) and the lilies. Surely, his hearers hearts were full of all all sorts of concerns about the future. To some it may have seemed insensitive to tell people who had lots of legitimate concerns about their lives, to stop what they were doing and look at birds and flowers?! Part of the beauty of nature is that it simply rests in what it is. It's not constantly questioning and examining itself. It just is. The birds flit about and gather, and store and care for their own. The flowers grow and bloom. They do what they're made to do. But us humans, we tend to compete and worry and scheme and despair, struggling to see that we have a Father, a Creator, a Brother, that is for us and in us. We wish we were someone else or somewhere else. We start thinking that maybe He doesn't know what's going on, or that He knows but doesn't care. Sometimes we might even wonder if He's out to get us. There's a reason why nature can be such a wonderful balm. The same One who made the beauty around us has made us too. He has placed us in this beauty and He says, "look!"..."consider.!" But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! (Mt 6:30) Do you find yourself worried about your circumstances or the circumstances of those you love? Do you need to be clothed with courage, or hope, or peace? The birds and the flowers have something to teach us. Together, let's learn to daily live out our humanity the way that Jesus lived his....fully trusting the love and care of his Father. He has faith enough for us all! "As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love." -Jn 15:9
